Landtec GEM-2000
The GEM-2000 is engineered, and field tested to precisely and effectively monitor landfill gas extraction systems. The GEM-2000 improves the capacity to read hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide by utilizing innovative technology.
Landfill Gas Monitoring Systems
Flare Monitoring
Gas Extraction Wells
Measures % CH4, CO2 and O2 Volume, static pressure and differential pressure
Extended operation (10 - 14 hours use from one charge)
Measures CO and H2S gases
Records site and well conditions
Certified intrinsically safe for landfill use
Dual Mode Two instruments in one (GA and GEM mode)
O2 - Sensor Range: 0-25%
CH4 - Sensor Range 0-100%
CO - Sensor Range 0-2000 ppm
CO2 - Sensor Range 0-100%
H2S - Sensor Range 0-500 ppm
Purchased Together with
At Nova Blue we are industry leading experts in environmental monitoring technology. From rentals to sales to project support we have you covered. We have over 50 years of combined experience servicing the leading environmental technologies.